Friday, February 25, 2011

Thoughts on Feelings vs Commitment

Suppose you are seated in a small room with no ventilation. An oil burning stove has been consuming the oxygen for some time. Gradually you become so drowsy that your brain is barely able to think. You do not feel like moving from your chair. Especially, you do not feel like getting up to open a window or a door. Yet your feeling against moving is a danger sign that you must make yourself act immediately to get more oxygen into the room or you will never move again.

Have you ever been in a mood not to pray, or not to read your Bible? Certainly you have, so have I. Should we take that feeling to be true and follow it? Listen, prayer is the breath of the body. Our mood not to pray and study is a signal that we had better make ourselves do it quickly because your spiritual life is being threatened. That is the time to force ourselves into the closet, onto our knees, and as we pray, the spiritual desires begin to return. Very soon prayer is restored as a joyful, fulfilling privilege.

But unless you break that spell of 'following your feelings', you will never know the joy of commitment, the faith that comes from breaking through times of feeling like you don't care, coming out the other side and being so glad you hung on through it all to that moment of truth when you knew you did.

If you were married (or if you are married) and you had a bad day where you didn't feel like spending time with your husband/wife, would you trust those feelings and assume it didn't matter? I think not, if you really loved her/him it would spark something inside of you to say 'whoah' I need to spend time on this, I need to reconnect.

If right now, or for you it may have been some point in the past, you knew and trusted God completely, he was real in a real way to you, his evidence was evident to you. Hang on to that moment, there will or may now be times in your life you won't feel that way. But choose not to live by your feelings of the moment, trust what is true and seek it out earnestly if you find yourself at a place where you feel nothing towards it.

Keep it real; hold fast, trust to the agape love of God, you won’t regret it.

(note: some paragraphs etc taken from ‘Alone in the Crowd’ by Joe Crews).